Aberdeen’s Alison named BT Volunteer of the Month

Aberdeen’s Alison named BT Volunteer of the Month

The seventh BT Volunteer of the Month award was awarded to Alison Forsyth of Aberdeen Wanderers for her commitment to player welfare and ensuring both the club and its members are up to date with health and safety protocols. Alison, aged 51, has been involved with the club for over 20 years after her first son took up mini-rugby at Aberdeen and despite him now being 24, Alison is still a continual presence at the club.Alison’s influence as the Wanderers’ medical convenor has been pivotal in motivating club members to participate in accredited first aid training courses.In this role, Alison is instrumental in ensuring player safety across all age-grades and dedicates her time to senior matches to provide pitch-side medical assistance.She co-ordinates and ensures all age-groups and teams have access to quality first aid equipment and trained first aiders, and has also established a ‘tape shop,’ which once a week provides players with the opportunity to top up their supplies of elasticated bandages and lifting blocks.Player welfare is at the forefront of Alison’s mind, and she has been heavily involved in ensuring Aberdeen’s own systems are in place for head injury assessments and return to play protocols; as well as finding the time to follow up individually with each injured player.Alison has also sourced a club physio who attends matches and offers a mid-week clinic for those requiring treatment.To Aberdeen, Alison is not just the club’s medical convenor. She can often be found at the clubhouse assisting with cleaning duties or post-match hospitality, has helped organise fundraising events – including utilising her musical talents at Ceilidhs – and historically, she has sat on the youth and senior committees while holding the position of secretary for both.Winners of the BT Club Volunteer of the Month award are invited to BT Murrayfield to attend the annual Scottish Rugby Club Awards Dinner. They will also receive up to£500 towards travel and accommodation to enable them to attend and can invite up to nine friends. To nominate your club, volunteer or try of the month for March, please click here. 

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