Agenda 3 – Super 6 update

Agenda 3 – Super 6 update

I am writing to you today to confirm the timeline to progress the development of Scottish Rugby’s Agenda 3 project to form the new “Super 6” league for season 2019/20.

Since the Agenda 3 plans were shared at our AGM in August I have been delighted with the positive response from clubs across the country to our proposals to restructure the domestic game through the introduction of a new league structure and clear separation of the amateur and performance/professional teams.

After taking on board the high level of interest and hugely positive feedback from across the game I can confirm today that the application process for clubs interested in forming a “Super 6” franchise will open on Monday 20 November 2017.

To ensure interested parties have sufficient time to fully prepare their applications and address the required criteria the closing date for submissions will be Saturday 31 March 2018.

The announcement on the six successful applications will follow on Tuesday 1st May 2018.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the individuals and clubs who have engaged and expressed an interest in this significant and exciting opportunity for Scottish Rugby and look forward to working with you throughout this process.

Mark Dodson

Scottish Rugby Chief Executive

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