Law Trials and Changes 2024/25
Scottish Rugby has announced details of law trials and changes to be implemented throughout the community game in season 2024/25, as of 1 July 2024. This news follows on from World Rugby’s announcement in March following agreement on an action plan at the Shape of the Game forum (details can be found here).
The law trials and changes coming into effect throughout the community game as of 1 July 2024 are summarised in the table below;

Further law trial details
World Rugby Law Changes – With a focus on both spectacle and safety, and geared towards the promotion of quick attacking ball, World Rugby announced three law amendments in May that will be operational across all levels of the game from 1 July:
- Onside kicks in open play
- No scrum option from free-kicks
- Banning the ‘crocodile roll’
World Rugby ‘Opt-in’ Law Trials – In addition, the following ‘opt-in’ World Rugby law trials will be implemented throughout the Scottish Rugby adult and youth community game as of 1 July:
- 1 stop maul
- Protecting the 9 at Maul
- Protecting the 9 at Scrum (U18 levels only)
- Mark from restart in 22
Tackle Height Law Trials
Scottish Rugby has confirmed the continuation of the Tackle Height Law Trials for season 2024/25. Results from the World Rugby funded research study, being undertaken in conjunction with the University of Edinburgh, are expected in the Autumn.
Please visit the Tackle Hub (here) for full details of the Tackle Height Law Trials which were brought in ahead of season 23/24.
Further details and resources will be available throughout pre-season and embedded within the 2024/25 RugbyRight online course.
If you have any questions regarding above, please contact [email protected]