Lions launch Pick of the Pride Programme

Lions launch Pick of the Pride Programme

For the first time The British & Irish Lions are today launching a grassroots programme in partnership with the Four Home Unions called ‘Pick of the Pride.’The programme has been developed in collaboration with the Four Home Unions with the aim of using the Lions brand to inspire a future generation of rugby players and to help retain existing youth players in the game. Four ambassadors aged 18 to 21 will be selected from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales based on their involvement and contribution to grassroots rugby, vision for the future of the game, and understanding of the Lions core values: Respect, Integrity, Discipline and Friendship.The ambassadors will travel to New Zealand to immerse themselves in; the culture of New Zealand rugby, to understand the challenges facing youth rugby globally and establishing a network with their counterparts. They will then bring their learnings back in order to share these with their own clubs and with other clubs in their region.British & Irish Lion Mike Blair said: “The Pick of the Pride programme brings The British & Irish Lions back home. With a Scottish ambassador going on the Tour and reporting back to their peers, there is a chance to share, learn, and inspire everyone at home to be a part of the pride. The Lions are about being the best you can be and this programme gives that responsibility to one capable young person to inspire and impact the future of Scottish rugby to be the best it can be.”Scottish Rugby’s Director of Domestic Rugby Keith Russell said: “A key theme for this year’s Tour to New Zealand is creating ways for more young people to engage with The British & Irish Lions. Here in Scotland we want to use this opportunity to inspire and encourage young people to get or stay involved in rugby as players, coaches and volunteers. The Pick of the Pride programme will help amplify young people’s voices in the game and allow the Scottish ambassador to gain valuable experiences, learn about a different approach to the game and then share it with others on their return.”British & Irish Lions Chief Operating Officer Charlie McEwen said: “Fans throughout the world have followed and enjoyed the Lions Tours over the last 129 years and now for the first time the phenomenon of the Lions will be used to directly have an impact on grassroots rugby in the UK and Ireland.Working closely with the Home Unions we hope that the programme will help rugby communities understand best practise, build and develop the game of youth rugby and create a global network to share ideas at home.”The activity will be supported by an extensive digital and social media campaign on and across all @LionsOfficial social channels with the hastags #AllForOne and #PickOfThePride.To enter the Pick of the Pride selection process for 18 to 21-year-olds, go to  

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