Scottish Rugby reminds all Clubs of safety responsibilities

Scottish Rugby reminds all Clubs of safety responsibilities

Scottish Rugby has today reminded clubs to follow age banding policies and player registration processes to ensure player welfare remains at the heart of the game. The reminder is being issued after a club official was hit with a nine week ban for falsifying team-sheets and allowing an over-age player to compete in under-16 matches.The sanction imposed by the independent discipline committee reflected the seriousness with which Scottish Rugby takes player safety and is designed to act as a deterrent to other coaches and officials who may feel pressured into fielding players who are too old or too young for their age band.Scottish Rugby’s Age Banding Policy – a fundamental part of its Are You Ready to Play Rugby? initiative – states, ‘Children and young people should be playing and training with people of the same age and physical maturity.’Scottish Rugby’s Head of Youth and Schools, Colin Thomson, said: “The safety of our young players has to be a priority for all involved in our Schools and Youth game.”All clubs across Scotland are reminded of the importance of being aware of, and following the guidelines and procedures that apply to the level of rugby they are delivering.”Also, clubs must be conscious that action will be taken when these policies are breached.”Scottish Rugby’s age-banding dates for under-16 rugby in the 2014/15 season are as follows: players must be born on or between 1/9/98 and 31/8/99. Players born out with these dates cannot take part in under-16 rugby.

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