Top Scots prospects go head-to-head
Scotland’s top home-based rugby prospects will go head-to-head in a three-week series of fixtures around the country, starting this Sunday (21 July) in Aberdeen and culminating in a Finals Day in Galashiels on Sunday 11 August (all fixtures are free to attend).
The 19-match series across three competing Fosroc Scottish Rugby Academy age groups (U16, U18 and U20) kicks off at Kings Park in Aberdeen as the Caledonia region hosts Glasgow and The West at each of the age-grades from 12 noon.
Series rounds will follow in Galashiels, Edinburgh (Meggetland) and Cumbernauld (Broadwood Stadium) before the Finals Day, back in the Borders at Netherdale.
The fixtures will feature several current Fosroc Academy players alongside hundreds of others who have been developed and selected by their regions, after being initially nominated by their respective clubs and schools.
The fixtures help expose these players and their respective coaches to a more intensified, competitive environment and provide individuals with opportunities to promote themselves for selection into academy and age-grade programmes through this period of training, preparation and games.
Grant McKelvey, Performance Projects and Talent ID Manager, said: “These run of fixtures provide an excellent opportunity to develop some of our most talented players in a different environment
“As always I’m sure the players will be desperate to represent their regions well through this period, with the added incentive of promoting themselves for selection into their academy or our national age-grade squads”
“We’re looking forward to a series of quality matches that showcase the quality of players coming through the Scottish system in the better weather conditions offered by the summer months.”
Sunday 21 July – Kings Park, Aberdeen
Caledonia U20 v Glasgow & The West U20 (kick-off 12 noon)
Caledonia U18 v Glasgow & The West U18 (kick-off 1.30pm)
Caledonia U16 v Glasgow & The West U16 (kick-off 3pm)
Tuesday 23 July – Fairydean 3G, Galashiels
The Borders & East Lothian U16 v Edinburgh U16 (kick-off 4.30pm)
The Borders & East Lothian U18 v Edinburgh U18 (kick-off 6pm)
The Borders & East Lothian U20 v Edinburgh U20 (kick-off 7.30pm)
Sunday 28 July – Meggetland, Edinburgh
Edinburgh U18 v Glasgow & The West U18 (kick-off 12 noon)
Edinburgh U16 v Glasgow & The West U16 (kick-off 1.30pm)
Caledonia U18 v The Borders & East Lothian U18 (kick-off 3pm)
Caledonia U16 v The Borders & East Lothian U16 (kick-off 4.30pm)
Sunday 4 August – Broadwood Stadium, Cumbernauld
Glasgow & The West U18 v The Borders & EL U18 (kick-off 12 noon)
Glasgow & The West U16 v The Borders & EL U16 (kick-off 1.30pm)
Edinburgh U18 v Caledonia U18 (kick-off 3pm)
Edinburgh U16 v Caledonia U16 (kick-off 4.30pm)
Sunday 11 August – Fosroc Scottish Rugby Academy Finals, Netherdale and Fairydean 3G, Galashiels
U18 3rd / 4th place play-off; Fairydean 3G (kick-off 12 noon)
U16 3rd / 4th place Play-off; Fairydean 3G (kick-off 1.45pm)
U20 1872 Cup – Edinburgh U20 v Glasgow Warriors U20; Netherdale main pitch (kick-off 2pm)
U18 Final; Netherdale main pitch (kick-off 4pm)
U16 Final; Netherdale main pitch (kick-off 6pm)
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