Advice for parents

All sports including rugby, should be a fun place for children to be. They are learning new skills, making new friends and enjoying being part of a team.

Scottish Rugby is committed to safeguarding. All our member rugby clubs are required to have a Child Protection / Safeguarding Policy in place and appoint a Child Protection Officer. All Youth Coaches and volunteers in regulated work should be members of the PVG Scheme and Scottish Rugby ask for full compliance in this area.

A few things to consider when your child is joining any sports club:

  • Does the organisation have a Child Protection Officer – do you know who they are and how to contact them? Is it easy for your child to find out who this is too?
  • Does the club have a Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy – is it on their website?
  • Does the club ensure that all appropriate coaches/volunteers join the PVG Scheme?
  • Have their coaches/volunteers gone through Child Protection and Safeguarding training?
  • Do they take details from you on joining – medical/allergy information, next of kin, any special requirements, consent forms for things like photos of your child?
  • Do they have trained First Aiders?
  • Do they have social media policy for contacting young people?
  • Does your child enjoy their time at the club?
  • Are they happy to take parental feedback/answer your concerns?


It is also really important for parents to support their children:

  • Remember children play for their fun, not yours
  • Applaud all good play
  • Never ridicule a child for losing or making a mistake
  • Praise your child’s efforts, win or lose
  • Focus on the performance and not the result
  • Children learn best from good role models!
  • Don’t use bad language or allow others on the touchlines to use it either
  • Respect the decisions of the match officials

You can find further information, topics, resources, and advice on areas around child wellbeing and protection in sport on Children 1st advice and information page.

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