Election Of Schools Representative On Scottish Rugby Council

Election Of Schools Representative On Scottish Rugby Council

An election will shortly be held to select a new Schools Representative on the Scottish Rugby Council with the deadline for completed proposal/seconding forms and CV forms should be returned no later than 5pm on 30 April 2010. Should valid papers be received from more than one candidate then an election will be held by postal ballot during May.An election will shortly be held to select a new Schools Representative on the Scottish Rugby Council with the deadline for completed proposal/seconding forms and CV forms should be returned no later than 5pm on 30 April 2010. Should valid papers be received from more than one candidate then an election will be held by postal ballot during May.Nominations are hereby sought from permanent members of staff at affiliated schools. Candidates must be proposed by their school (proposal to be signed by the Head Teacher) and seconded by another affiliated school. Candidates must have worked within an affiliated school during both the current and previous seasons.A school may only propose/second one candidate. Candidates are requested to provide a copy of their rugby CV and consent to its publication on our website.CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: – A copy of the Proposal / Seconding Form; – A copy of the Candidates CV Form; – A copy of the relevant Election Rules; and – A copy of the Role Description for Members of the Scottish Rugby Council. Should you wish any further information on this matter please do not hesitate to contact Graham Ireland, graham.ireland@sru.org.uk / 0131 346 5004

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