Scottish Rugby Schools Week supported by Saltire Energy | Mon 20 Sept

Scottish Rugby Schools Week supported by Saltire Energy | Mon 20 Sept

Scottish Rugby Schools Week supported by Saltire Energy kicked off on Monday 20 September - with over 230 schools registered to take part, take a quick look at what pupils across the country got up to on day one!

Pupils from St Clares Primary School in North West Glasgow demonstrated their fantastic passing skills in P.E class yesterday!

Miss Dooley’s Primary 6 and 7 class from Springholm Primary in Dumfries & Galloway enjoyed a whole range of rugby based activities using our Teacher Resource pack, designed specifically for the week.

Falkirk High School hosted P.E sessions looking specifically at body position and technique, followed by a recap on tackling. Great to see Miss Gray’s School of Rugby is growing at Falkirk High!

Dunblane High School’s ‘Sports Leadership’ class have been working hard and learning from Scottish Rugby’s resources as they get ready to support Newton Primary School later in the week.

Click here for more information on Scottish Rugby Schools Week supported by Saltire Energy

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