19 Hubs in action during opening Tartan Touch week

19 Hubs in action during opening Tartan Touch week

​Tartan Touch fever has kicked off across the country with over 1,000 players from 19 hubs taking part in the first weeks action of the summer.

It will be a busy year with a record 45 hubs registered for Scottish Rugby’s non-contact version of the game, which lasts for 10 weeks.

Tartan Touch is a game for all abilities and ages and has expanded its reach this summer with 15 extra clubs added in Scotland for 2019.

A festival of Tartan Touch kicked off the season on the back pitches at BT Murrayfield during Silver Saturday to showcase the game and to encourage more Scottish Rugby fans to get their boots on and give it a go.

Paisley also held the first Tartan Touch invitational event of the year over the weekend, won by Glasgow Centurions.

There is still plenty of time to join in the fun and get involved with a guide on how and where to play HERE or for further hub information follow @Tartan_Touch on Twitter.

Tartan Touch is an excellent way for clubs to improve on their sustainability and can be a useful way to not only to provide a social experience for new and existing members, but also become a welcome source of revenue for the clubs.”
Director of Rugby Development, Sheila Begbie MBE

What the Tartan Touch Hubs have said:

What the participants have said:

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