Return to Rugby (Clubs & Schools) Update

Return to Rugby (Clubs & Schools) Update

Scottish Rugby welcomes the Scottish Governments announcement today (Thursday 20 August) that adult contact sport can return as of 24 August.

In conjunction with the Scottish Government, the Scottish Rugby Threat Management Group has agreed a roadmap for the return of contact rugby for all age groups, with the next step being the return to modified touch rugby for adults on the 24 August. Mini & Youth players have been able to participate in modified touch rugby activities since 13 July.

The updated Return to Rugby guidance for clubs and schools can be found here. A webinar was held on 21st August at 11:30am. This was recorded and available to view below.

As per the Scottish Government announcement regarding gym and indoor physical activity reopening, further guidance will be issued next week. A gym reopening and indoor physical activity webinar will also take place on Wednesday 26 August at 7:00pm. Please register here.

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