Return to Rugby Guidance & Timeline Update

Return to Rugby Guidance & Timeline Update

Scottish Rugby has today (23 April) published new guidance for the Return to Rugby which comes into effect on Monday 26 April, along with a new indicative timeline for the easing of further restrictions.

All Scottish Rugby dates are aligned and subject to Scottish Government restrictions with specific information relating to each milestone to be communicated once further details are known.

Scottish Rugby’s Director of Rugby Development, Sheila Begbie MBE said: “We are really pleased to provide schools and clubs with this latest update. The indicative timeline gives clubs and schools clarity on the direction we anticipate the game moving in, and most importantly when.

“It has been really encouraging to see the club game begin to pick up again over the last few weeks, and I would like to congratulate and give thanks to clubs and schools, along with their Covid-19 Safety Co-ordinators, for doing so safely. I look forward to seeing things progress into the summer months.”

As of 26 April mini and youth rugby (17 and under) can resume full contact training, whilst adults (18+) can continue to participate in non-contact (physically distanced) activities.

Gym activity, youth indoor contact activities and hospitality can also resume from 26 April, with specific details outlined in Scottish Rugby’s guidance documents.

Scottish Rugby remain committed to providing support and resources to help clubs progress through the projected phases of the timeline safely and in line with Scottish Government Guidelines.

Click here to view the updated Return to Rugby timeline document.

Scottish Rugby’s latest Return to Rugby webinar, can be viewed by clicking here.

To view the new Return to Rugby guidance, click here.

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