Royal Bank RugbyForce Update
Following Scottish Government advice, Scottish Rugby and Royal Bank of Scotland have taken the difficult decision to postpone Royal Bank RugbyForce weekend which was due to take place 8th - 9th August.
We know that the weekend is something all clubs look forward to and you will be as disappointed as we are with the postponement. However the safety and wellbeing of you and your club members is of the foremost importance.
Royal Bank RugbyForce weekend will now form part of Scottish Rugby’s Return to Rugby road map planning. Further information and guidance will follow in due course, once timescales become clear.
The Royal Bank RugbyForce team and Scottish Rugby will be keeping you up to date with grant funding awards, further support tools and weekend progress via the Scottish Rugby website, clubs & schools communicaton emails and direct email to your clubs Royal Bank RugbyForce co-ordinator.