Scottish Rugby call on club support for vital vote

Scottish Rugby call on club support for vital vote

Scottish Rugby is encouraging it’s member clubs to attend a Special General Meeting this Friday, 28th October, to help safeguard the future of both the domestic and professional game.The meeting will be held at BT Murrayfield on Friday 28 October at 6pm where club representatives will be asked to approve a motion supported by by Scottish Rugby’s Council and Board which would permit external investment into the Union’s professional and performance rugby set-up. Scottish Rugby Chief Executive Mark Dodson and Chief Operating Officer Dominic McKay answered key questions ahead of the upcoming SGM. A vote in favour of the motion will be the first step in creating the conditions to enable external investors to acquire a stake in the professional game, with any proposed investment approved first by the Scottish Rugby Board.Scottish Rugby President, Rob Flockhart has been consulting clubs across Scotland regarding the SGM, which is also to protect the core domestic rugby and national team activities from the rising costs in the professional game.Dodson said: “This is not just about Glasgow Warriors and Edinburgh Rugby and trying to keep our top seats at the table.”This is very much about protecting the domestic game because that’s the lifeblood of our game and provides all our players for not only the pro teams, but our national team.”An External Investment Proposal Q&A can be found here.

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