​Update from Scottish Rugby Board / COVID-19

​Update from Scottish Rugby Board / COVID-19

  • Board agree all Board Directors (both Executive and Non-executive) to take a 25% deferral of salary/fee from April 1st to September 1st  and CEO will take a 30% deferral for the same period.
  • Additionally, Director of Performance Rugby and our Head Coaches from the National Team, Edinburgh Rugby and Glasgow Warriors also agreed to a 25% deferral for the same period.
  • Scottish Rugby’s “Threat Management Group” continues to meet via video conferencing each day to discuss key operational topics in light of COVID-19 including updates on health, our people, finance, professional and domestic rugby competitions, rugby development, stadium and facilities 
  • All work on Project Eden, the new stadium for Edinburgh Rugby development on the BT Murrayfield back pitches, has been suspended until further notice in line with public health guidelines.
  • Scottish Rugby continues to work closely with World Rugby and its fellow Unions in relation to the international calendar moving forward.
  • All non-critical capital expenditure on BT Murrayfield stadium and wider projects placed on hold until further notice.
  • Full support given to promoting Govt public health messaging across Scottish Rugby’s own channels and joined the #LightitBlue campaign in recognition of the NHS last week.

The Board of Scottish Rugby met on Friday 27 March by conference call to discuss once again the on-going impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on both the sport in Scotland and Scottish Rugby as an organisation.

The welfare of all our staff, clubs and players were top of the agenda and a full discussion held on the steps put in place to ensure they are all supported at this difficult time.

It was noted that significant and detailed work is also on-going, at a pace, to review the considerable financial impacts on Scottish Rugby and the game in Scotland at all levels in respect of COVID-19.

The Board approved:

  • A 30% salary deferral from April 1st to September 1st for the CEO and a 25% salary deferral for the same period for the Executive and non-Executive Directors.
  • Additionally, the country’s three main head coaches Gregor Townsend (Scotland), Richard Cockerill (Edinburgh) and Dave Rennie (Glasgow Warriors) have also agreed to a 25% salary/fees deferral alongside Jim Mallinder Director of Performance Rugby for the same period, as appropriate.
  • These initial steps and other steps will be reviewed ongoing in light of the challenge the sport faces

Chairman of the Scottish Rugby Board, Colin Grassie said:

“We are working extremely hard to navigate the sport of rugby in Scotland through these extremely challenging times. We would like to thank all our staff, sponsors, stakeholders for their support and collaboration.

“We have a huge challenge ahead of us, but we will get there together and we will leave no stone left unturned to ensure the long term sustainability of Scottish Rugby and the sport in Scotland.”

In addition, various business scenarios are being considered in respect of resumption of professional and International rugby and detailed financial modelling activities are ongoing against each scenario.

It was noted that similar to other organisations which faced key events and games being postponed or cancelled has had, and will continue to have, a significant material impact on our finances ongoing.

The Board was provided an update on PRO14, EPCR and Six Nations in respect of the challenges all these organisations that support our finances were also having.

We are currently closely analysing the Government support options being offered to organisations so that we will continue to feed this into informing our actions.

It was noted by the Board that the evolving crisis gripping the country will have significant challenges for the game at all levels in Scotland for some time to come.

Once the Board has further considered the relevant information and its potential impacts it will share a further update with our staff and stakeholders.

Scottish Rugby has also offered its full support to the Scottish Government and the Board were unanimous in wanting the organisation to contribute to the national effort in any way possible.

It was noted that BT Murrayfield had already been offered to the Scottish Government to utilise the facilities in any way the country needs.

Further status update from Scottish Rugby:

  • Scottish Rugby’s “Threat Management Group” continues to meet via video conferencing each day to discuss key operational topics in light of COVID-19 including updates on health, our people, finance, professional and domestic rugby competitions, rugby development, stadium and facilities amongst other critical matters
  • All work on Project Eden, the new stadium for Edinburgh Rugby development on the BT Murrayfield back pitches, has been suspended until further notice in line with public health guidelines
  • Scottish Rugby continues to work closely with World Rugby and its fellow Unions in relation to the international calendar moving forward and has no update on the planned 2020 Summer Tour at this time
  • Full support given to promoting Government public health messaging across Scottish Rugby’s own channels and joined the #LightitBlue campaign in recognition of the NHS last week
  • All non-critical capital expenditure on BT Murrayfield stadium and wider projects placed on hold until further notice

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