Girls Rugby Development Day
There is going to a girls rugby development day on Sunday 25th January 2009, it is to be held at Cumnock Rugby Club starting at 1pm. All girls from S1 to U18 are welcome to attend . The development day will consist of skill based coaching sessions and will finish of with games. Clubs do not need to have full teams to attend the development day as teams will be split for skill sessions. if coaches are wishing to help out they are more than welcome to. If you wish to help please could you let me know so that I can work out how many coaches I will have helping out. Water will be given out to all the girls and also the girls will be given food after the day as finished.Registration Forms can be got be contacting me on my Mobile (number below) or by e-mail at [email protected]. I would be oblidged if I could reieve the Forms by Thursday 22nd January 2009 by email or posted.If you have any problem or questions to not hesitate to get in contact. Stephen MainKRFC Community Coach07795506394 Kilmarnock Rugby ClubBellsland, Queens Drive ,Kilmarnock